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Central Spark Psychotherapy

Central Spark is a Counselling and Psychotherapy Service in the Sydney CBD (and online) started by Careena Cook in 2013.


The concept behind the name is that there is a spark of vital life energy within us that cannot be extinguished though it is often lost or hidden.
Through various difficulties of life we become disconnected from the source of that vital spark.
It is the privileged task of the therapist to support clients through their own process of reconnection. This process is what is meant by recovery.

About Careena

Careena is naturally drawn to the helping professions and has held various Counselling and Rehabilitation roles in a variety of contexts for over 25 years.


This combined with a deep love of learning means that she brings a depth and breadth of knowledge to her work which goes beyond procedure and technique.


Careena is a firm believer that therapists should ‘walk the walk’ and undergoes her own therapy as well as undertaking regular Clinical Supervision.


She is committed to remaining current in her therapeutic work and continues to deepen and expand her knowledge through ongoing Professional Development.


Careena has dedicated several years of her life to formal education.


She has been working in Private Practice since 2013.

Careena Cook
  • Master of Counselling and Psychotherapy (MCAP)

  • Graduate Diploma of Rehabilitation Counselling

  • Graduate Certificate Gestalt Therapy

  • Bachelor of Arts (Philosophy, Sociology)

  • Diploma of Teaching (Infants and Primary)

  • Diploma of Health Counselling

  • Level 4 Member of Australian Counselling Association

  • Professional Supervisor